Today we are going to answer the question: What is High Security?
The phrase “High Security” gets thrown around a lot but what does this phrase actually mean? Is it just a buzz word or is this an important distinction to make when selecting locks or keys?
We are diving into different types of Cylinders as it relates to High Security. A Cylinder is what is used in a lockset to lock and unlock the door. We will highlight 3 different types of Cylinders that are commonly used.

Up first is what we term a No Security Option.
This is usually a common standard keyway (like schlage) that are found in most Big Box stores. While it does lock your door, the fail point is that the key can be duplicated at any hardware store like Lowes, Home Depot, and even Key Copying Kiosks.
While you can utilize this, we wouldn’t recommend it for a facility manager since there is no way to control who has access to your building. There is no protection against copies! There is also another prevalent risk which is the lock being bumped and opened by burglars.
The Next option is a Middle Grade of Security.

We are highlighting a Medeco X4 which is a patented keyway. Medeco Gives a great explanation of what a Patented Keyway is . “A patented keywayoffers protection against unauthorized key duplication. A manufacturer with a UTILITY patent key system design controls the manufacturing and distribution of the cylinders and key (key blanks). To the customer, this means that keys and key blanks are not readily available in the open market.”
This means that there are checks and balances that protect you and who can copy your keys. This level of security can sometimes be bumped and picked. It is better than a common keyway but mostly used for key control.

The Final Option is a High Security Option by Medeco M4.
This is another patented keyway that will protect you with key control but an elevated level of security with angled cuts and side bars that make it protected from being able to pick it open or bump it open.
A High Security key system generally is distinguished by two characteristics: Key Control and Physical Protection.
Key Control means that the keys are difficult or practically impossible to duplicate without permission. For example, Medeco M4 keys require a special key cutting machine and access to Medeco specific blanks, available in a variety of restrictions. This means only the locksmith you purchased from can make copies of the key, and they will only do so with your authorization. This effectively allows you to control your key copies even in the event that a key is lost or stolen.
Physical Protection in a key system means that the hardware is physically resistant to tampering and attempted entry. Medeco M4 cylinders are UL 437 listed (a rigorous standard used for testing lock security) and stand up to drilling, picking and other forms of physical attack. The cylinders do this by using a sidebar that prevents the key from rotating until it is elevated, rotated and aligned in the correct position. This feature offers protection against bumping and picking attacks.
These two features combine to give us a High Security key system, which gives you a sense of security about your locks and keys that you cannot have with those of a lower security standard.
We are here to help you protect your people and your property and can assist you in making sure you have the best High Security solution. Schedule a free evaluation with one of our Professional Experts.