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Why ADA Upgrades are important for your Commercial Property

Updated: Sep 25, 2022

Customer experience is a huge focus at Loc Doc Security, and in our experience, it is a big concern for our customers that manage commercial and residential properties as well.

For a property manager, one of their biggest concerns is, can our clients enter and exit the property with ease? This is why innovation with ADA products is a tremendous benefit to property managers, and why it is a central piece to the customer experience. There are many people entering and exiting buildings who have difficulty opening a standard door with a leverset. Especially in high traffic areas it is crucial to ensure that the elderly and those with disabilities can access the property safely and easily.

Many commercial facilities have no ADA compliant doors, and therefore cannot be accessed by older or disabled clients. Out mission at Loc Doc Security is to help our customers solve this problem and provide a tremendous experience to all of their customers.

So what does and ADA compliant door look like? There are many variations based on the types of issues that your customers are facing when attempting to enter the door. The most common application is the Automatic Door Operator, which will open the door automatically either by a button press or motion activation.

This will allow any clients in wheelchairs, canes, or other forms of movement assistance to easily enter you property. You can also set the Automatic Door Operator to hold open for periods of time, or until motion is no longer detected at the door.

As this technology becomes more readily available and innovations continue to occur, the demand for this product becomes apparent for those with clients that need this type of assistance.

Having an Automatic Door Operator installed on your door will show your clients that you care about their wellbeing and ease of access, and will improve your relationships withy our customers.

If you are interested in getting more information or pricing for this solution, click here to schedule a free quote.


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