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Waiting Area Door – Keypad and Door Release

A common call to our Job Coordinator starts off something like this. “Hi, I need a buzzer installed on a door in our office. Can you help with that…”

The definition of a “buzzer” can range from something that makes noise, to a door bell and sometimes a button that remotely releases a door. As Charlotte’s Security Solutions provider, we make a site visit and discuss the issues you are having and figure out which of the “buzzer” solutions you need.

Here are a few common issues and solutions:

Waiting Room

Issue: If you been to the doctor, dentist or anywhere there’s a waiting room for that matter. You’ve met with a receptionist, checked in and waiting in uncomfortable chairs reading outdated health magazines! When it’s your turn, you are called to the front and need to enter through a locked door. That door is locked for Safety, Privacy and Protection of the staff and patience behind the door.

Solution: We install door lock that stays locked on the outside and allows people to exit from the inside. Then we install an electric strike (an electronically activated keeper on the frame of the door) to be controlled with low voltage electricity. Typically this is installed with a wireless button the receptionist, nurse or any staff member push and allow a visitor to pull the door open.

Visitor Entry

Issue: Have you ever driven to a business location, pulled into the parking lot, walked up to the door and pulled on the handle only to find the door is LOCKED! You check your watch, look for signs on the door to make sure you are at the correct location, and cup your hands around your face to look through the glass. You have just visited a secured office location! This is typically the case for businesses who don’t typically deal with walk-in customers or the general public. They don’t like random solicitation and want to make sure strangers don’t randomly wander into their facility. This is becoming the standard with many businesses deciding not to have a receptionist at the front door.

Solution: Audio or Video Intercom! We install an easy-to-use Intercom system that allows the visitor to communicate with the staff inside while maintaining the security of the staff without opening the door. Both Audio and Video Intercoms will allow the staff to validate the visitor, understand the reason for the visit and decide if they need access or to schedule an appointment. If they are validated and need access, the staff member will have a button to push which releases the electronic component of the door to allow for visitor entry.

Staff Convenience

Issue: You have areas in your office that you don’t want just anybody to roam around or accidentally wander into. You want to keep it locked, but with 50+ employees, you don’t want to hand everybody a key. Your staff doesn’t want to make sure they have their keys every time they get up to go somewhere.

Solution: Keypad or Combination Lock Entry to the rescue! We start by installing a door lock that stays locked on the outside and allows people to exit from the inside. We install an electric strike (an electronically activated keeper on the frame of the door) to be controlled with low voltage electricity and then connect a keypad to the wall or door frame that will use a code to unlock the door.


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