Lock Bumping is in the national news spotlight again. A story recently aired on ABC News and Good Morning America regarding the popularity of Lock Bumping. We’d like to outline the story, the truth and possible solutions to protect against it.
Reference Link: ABC News Story

Method of key bypass
Used by Locksmith’s for years
Bump Keys are easily made
Bump Keys are easily accessible
Easy to learn.
Non Destructive to the lock.
Limited or No record of entry.
Bumping works on all standard pin tumbler locks.
Locks that meet and exceed UL 437
Deter unauthorized opening by one or more of the following methods:
Destructive Entry (specifically: punching, sawing, drilling, pulling, and other methods using small hand tools)
Meet ANSI / BHMA Grade 1 Specifications
All cylinders must meet all DRILLING (5min) and PICKING(10min) requirements of UL-437
Key Control (ratings are cumulative)
C – Manufacturer restricted blanks
B – Blanks protected by law
A – Authorization required
Pick Resistance
Minimum of 2 Security Pins
Paracentric Keyway
Minimum of one bore depth designed to prevent overlifting
Meets all levels of C plus UL-437 for pick resistance (10 min) Resist picking for 15 min as tested by 5 “ALOA Certified” Locksmiths with “commercially” available tools
“A product shall not open or be compromised as a result of application of the tools and methods described ”
Common hand tools
Hand or portable electronic tools – Saw blades
Puller mechanisms
Picking tools
All this information summarized is finding a more secure lock, door, door jamb and hardware than the “Standard” hardware on your home and business. We recommend Medeco High Security Locks.