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Open Up Your Doors & Take On the World!

We have been serving the Matthews, NC area for over 30 years and offer a variety of services that will help you handle any scenario with doors that you may encounter.

Jim Morrison said, “There are things known and things unknown, and in between are the doors.” Mr. Morrison was really on to something. Rooms and buildings and worlds all open (both literally and figuratively) when you take the time to turn the handle and open the door. And at Loc-Doc, Inc., we would love to help you open up those doors in the easiest and most convenient way possible, whether you’re trying to take on the world or just simply get into your home or office building!

Open Up Your Doors & Take On the World!

We have been serving the Matthews, North Carolina area for over 30 years and offer a variety of services that will help you handle any scenario with doors that you may encounter. Moved to a new home and want to replace the lock and keys? We can replace the locks on your doors and give you as many copies of the keys as you’d like. Looking for custom doors to outfit your business or home? We specialize in custom doors that are both functional and beautiful. We offer installation of all types of doors and are confident you will be pleased with our services.

At Loc-Doc, Inc., our qualified technicians have over 50 years of combined experience in locksmithing, door hardware installation, and access control. We offer 24-hour emergency services if needed, as well as standard business hours (8am to 5pm), so come in and set up an appointment with us for all your door needs– including a joke to get your through the day.


Who’s there?


Doris, who?

Doris locked, so let me in!

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