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NoDa Break-Ins on the Rise

The business owners and citizens of the NoDa neighborhood in Charlotte are facing a huge dilemma as the rate of break ins have been increasing, with criminals growing bolder in the area. According to reports, the local ice cream shop Popbar was broken into on Monday Aug 19 by two teenagers at approximately 11:25pm. Fox46 wrote that “It took only three minutes for the teens to shatter the front glass door with what appeared to be a cinder block.”

The store was equipped with camera footage that they were able to distribute to the police, however there was a lack of footage outside which, among other things, has been a deterrent to investigation attempts. As the article continues, “The store owner] told FOX 46 that construction in the area hasn’t helped the situation. Without the nearby bank there’s no current surveillance outside. More lights eventually will be added to the area to make it more visible at night, she said. Lyons said the ice cream shop will remain closed for the next couple of days.”

A few businesses in the NoDa neighborhood recently have been broken into, and thanks to the footage we have from surveillance systems, the same group appears to be involved in several of them. This series of events is very concerning for us as a company in the security industry. The good thing is we have footage in most of these incidents that can greatly assist in identifying the criminals. However, one pattern we have noticed is that outside the stores the camera visibility is minimal, which means that in the event of a break-in police do not have much to go on in tracking down the criminal.

If you are a business owner reading this, there is one question you must ask yourself when you read this article: what am I doing to stop this crisis? Do you have cameras outside your business? We must come to the realization that it is not only OUR security that we should consider, but the security of our community. The cameras outside your business can protect your neighbors, and if every business in NoDa invested the time and money into cloud based security cameras, this problem could be resolved!

Eagle Eye Cloud Based Camera Systems gives you the value not just of footage, but of real time event tracking, and access from any device. This is the future of the security camera industry, and can be the future of your business as well. Have you considered the costs of repeated break-ins to your business and your community? Have you considered the benefit of immediate and continual access to view your store or office?

This rise in crime in NoDa is a dilemma, but a solvable one. We need more businesses to take the first step towards innovation and security, not just for themselves, but for all of us.

If you are interested in getting or upgrading your camera system, you can meet with one of our Security Professionals for a free evaluation too! It’s quick, easy, & convenient to your schedule. Just go to and pick a time that works for you!


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