We are counting down the top 5 takeaways from 2019.
EP 21 – Kurt Graves on Carefrontation
Kurt Graves from Vistage talks about Carefrontation (Care + Confrontation) and how to have real conversations as a leader.
EP 22 – Scott Baker on Company Culture
Scott Baker shares how to cultivate a positive company culture.
EP 48 – Frank Schwartz on Leaders Leading Leaders
Frank Schwartz of G3L Leadership Professional Training & Coaching, talks about SAOF and shares what it takes to lead a group of leaders.
EP 39 – Lucas Boselli on Qualities Necessary to Lead
Lucas Boselli shares his leadership style, capacity, and the preparation you need to become a leader.
EP 26 – Blair Primis on Leading through Change
Blair Primis shares on how to lead an organization though change and the 4 R’s of leadership to get you there.
A special thanks to the following people behind the scenes who make this possible. First, Aaron Beaver who has improved the quality of the video, audio, lighting, and so much more. He joined our team in July and has really brought great energy, a wealth of knowledge, and a dedication to quality.
Next, Jessica Lingafelt, who coordinates the guests, handles show notes and summaries (like the one you’re reading now), thumbnail graphics, scheduling of episodes, blogs, and a lot of back end operations.
Last, Chris Lowery, who runs the control board and makes sure the cameras are on the right people at the right time.
We couldn’t have made 52 episodes this year without all of our wonderful guests who were willing to participate and share their experiences. We are super excited about Season 3 and all that is to come! We have a lot of great guests lined up for the New Year so make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any of this amazing advice to become a better business leader!