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EP 145 | Navigating Conflict With Improv | Guest: Ben Winter

Updated: Sep 23, 2022

Chad Lingafelt chats with Ben Winter, Founder and CEO of SuccessImprov, a progressive Team Building company that focuses on professional growth using improv techniques.

Ben Winter is an Author, Speaker, Actor, Improvist, Entrepreneur, Traveler, Father, and much much more. He loves to explore, yes, physical places around the world, but also he loves to explore the mind.

On this episode, Ben shares how he takes the rules of improv acting into the business world. He shares how you can apply improv to customer services, to help navigating difficult conversations, and for conflict resolution within your team.

We also discuss the topic of Ben’s Book What to Expect when Having Expectations. Ben elaborates on how expectations and even unmet expectations can be navigated and resolved with a creative flowchart!

Connect with Ben Winter:

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