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Door Armor

Door Armor is used to reinforce the weak points on your existing doors. By reinforcing the frame, hinges, and area around the lock, it makes the door nearly impossible to kick in. It is also a great solution for door repairs. This is a huge value add to any installation and a relatively easy DIY project. UTILIZE DOOR ARMOR TO GREATLY INCREASE YOUR SECURITY AT A LOW COST.

  • Our Door Armor solution protects against Home Invasion. For most people, locking the deadbolt is sufficient and gives them peace of mind. If someone is trying to break in, they must first get through the lock, and if our High Security Deadbolts are installed on the door, this is no easy task. But what if the burglar decides they want to kick your door down?

  • It turns out that even with a high security deadbolt, if the door frame is weak, your door is still at risk, as it can easily be kicked in. This is where Door Armor comes in. Door Armor works by reinforcing the weak points of your existing doors, as well as the frame itself. In other words, it provides additional strength to your door opening to prevent forced entry.

  • Our Door Armor is available with multiple options, such as hinge reinforcements, and even alternative finishes to match your door and frame. Whatever your needs are to reinforce your door opening, we’ve got you covered.

  • At Loc-Doc Security, we love installing wonderful products on peoples openings. We also understand that not every solution is for every customer. Door Armor is one of the only solutions that we can confidently recommend as a Do It Yourself solution.

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