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DO NOT DUPLICATE KEYS! – Is that a thing?

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If you want to control the duplication of keys, we should look at a product such as Medeco to solve the problem.

You can get your existing keys stamped with “DO NOT DUPLICATE” but it doesn’t stop anyone from getting copies without your knowledge.

Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Lowe’s all have self serve kiosk that allow anyone in possession of any non-restricted key (meaning open market key blanks) to walk up, put the key in the machine and duplicate them without any validation.

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There are also a number of smart phone apps, including KeyMe which allow anyone in possession of any non-restricted key to take 2 pictures (Front and Back) of the key and request a copy to be mailed to them without the key even leaving the property.  This is a great resource and an incredible tool to use, but it also opens up the possibility for unauthorized duplication.

Medeco offers products that are Restricted, meaning they are only licensed to specific dealers.  Loc-Doc, Inc is a dealer of Medeco products.  If we generate a Medeco key, the only way to get additional copies is by requesting it through us.  No other locksmith company has access to our records, our keys or our systems.  When we get key request, they are checked and validated through the proper authorization contact on the account before any additional copies are made.  We highly value and protect our restricted key system.

  1. Key Blanks are Restricted

  2. Can only be aquired by Authorized Contact Person per account

  3. Tracked and serialized by Loc-Doc, Inc

  4. Other Locksmith companies prevented from purchasing or keying into a system

  5. Ensures customer or facility that a key system’s integrity will remain

  6. Reduces the cost of repeat re keys when turnover rate is high

  7. Proven record of improving or changing existing key control policies

  8. Questions to Consider

  9. Who will be getting a copy of your keys?

  10. Do you care if they make copies without your knowledge?


  12. Doesn’t matter of the blank is not restricted for purchase.

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