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Community During Isolation | Monday Motivation with Chad Lingafelt

As a business owner and leader, Isolation is something that you deal with regularly. Even if you’re in front of people and interacting with people, there’s not a lot of folks that understand the types of decisions or struggles that you deal with. Isolation has been a hot topic in the business world, now more than ever while we are social distancing.

With these new strictures, we are trying to take connection to a whole new level within our community. This past week we enacted a business meeting with business leaders and owners all across the United States and even in parts of Canada. We posted a few messages about having a call where anyone could join and connect, talk, share ideas and to figure out ways to work together and make the best of this situation.

There’s time of discouragement and trying to figure out how to make the best decisions for your team. When you can connect with other people that are in the same mindset and work on the same thing together it is powerful.

If you’re interested, You are welcome to join our call of business leaders, owners, & decision makers. We have a broad spectrum of people from different industries that have been making headway during this strange season. You can find the connection here

The main challenge for you today, is to make an effort to connect with people. Whether that’s a Zoom Call, FaceTime Call, Google Meet, just find ways to connect with people.

Isolation can feel overwhelmingly lonely. However, finding your community and people that can encourage you during this time is more important than ever.


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