Clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee…No, this is isn’t a tribute to the greatest dis track of 1972 (I’m looking at you Warren Beatty 👀), but I bet you’ll think this post is for you!
Do you know what the big deal is about Clouds? I didn’t completely understand it’s benefits until recently and thought you might be interested as well. Cloud Based Access Control Systems can help you manage your security and reduce costs.
But first, a quick refresher of what exactly “Access Control” or “Key Card Systems” mean and what it can do for you. Access Control is managing entry or access to locations and openings for individuals who are authorized to be there. Basically, it will allow people you approve the ability to enter certain areas of the building and keep them out of areas where they don’t need to be. Sometimes you don’t want just anyone to have access to spaces like server rooms, specific floors, conference rooms, or manager’s offices. Even certain amenities like gyms and pools can benefit from access control.
But how does the Cloud benefit Access Control?
Well, I’m glad you asked. Here’s 3 Benefits of Cloud Based Access Control!
Save Time & Money!
Everyone’s heard the saying Time = Money. Here’s how to save both! A Cloud Based system uses a web browser (like Safari, Chrome, or FireFox) or your Mobile Phone , so you won’t need a special PC, server, or software that will need constant upgrades to manage your business security. That means less maintenance, no software licenses, no software updates or patches, and no compatibility issues!
Unlike keys, you can quickly issue or revoke credentials in a flash! You can also easily share employee records to give access to multiple sites so there’s no wasting time entering duplicate employees and credentials. Setting up an Integration is simple, can help you manage your team, and add, delete, or suspend automatically instead of having to manually enter data.
Need to add new doors? What about a new facility? How about several hundred new users? No need to worry. There are no limitations on the system and it’s so easy to update!
Empower Your Team!
Have Multiple Locations? Have Employees that work at several Locations? With a few simple clicks, Cloud Based Security can help your team move seamlessly from one location to another with the right credentials! No more waiting hours to gain access to the right building and wasting time. Your Team can get to work quickly without the hassle of waiting to get in the building.
You can easily issue mobile credentials to your team, vendors, other short term users, or Tom from Accounting that always forgets his access badge 😐. Everyone has a Tom at the office. This one’s for Tom.
You’re In Control!
One of the best feelings is Peace of Mind and with a Cloud based Access System you will have that. There’s no waking in the middle of the night in a panic. No need to worry about who has accessed certain areas because you control the facilities. Whether it’s from your mobile phone at the beach, 30,000 feet in the air on a flight, or on your laptop at a coffee shop, all you need is internet access to see what is going on!
Need to know who’s been where? We’ve got that covered. Easily see the audit trail for any room and time. Or, set up automatic reports with a few clicks!
Always know what’s going on in the facility with custom text or email notifications. These can be set up to alert you immediately when an important access event happens!
So that’s all Folks. Cloud Based Access can Improve your Security!
